Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Police Warn Residents of Man Impersonating Gas Company Employee

SAN NARCISO, Calif. -- Police are warning San Narciso County residents to be on the lookout for a person who has been impersonating a gas company worker to gain access to local homes and businesses. The neighborhoods most likely to be affected are Bennington Vale and the gated community surrounding Lake Inverarity.

Two separate incidents were reported Friday where a uniformed man identified himself as an employee of San Narciso Gas and Oil, according to police.

Mayor Manny DiPresso and other city officials are advising residents to “be careful who you let into your home.”

A statement from the San Narciso Police Department reminds residents that all city employees carry identification with them at all times, and must present it when asked.

“Also, residents should never hesitate to ask for proof of identification from any service provider before allowing them access,” the SNPD statement said. “If residents aren’t sure that the employee is a legitimate representative of the company, they should contact the company for verification.”

Although police do not suspect the individual of criminal activities such as vandalism, robbery, property theft, or rape -- which occurs only in the outlying North Viaduct area, whose ownership the county continues to dispute -- several area residents have reported that the man is attempting to sell solar panels and other alternative energy systems.

“This county runs on gas and oil,” DiPresso said in a public address at City Hall.

“It’s our lifeblood, if you will. We have the upstanding folks at Yoyodyne to thank for many of our jobs, and their continued commitment to oil exploration and refining techniques is the reason we have the cheapest gas prices in Southern California. By supporting hucksters and their supposed ‘renewable energy’ systems, you are not only threatening local jobs and the local economy, but you are essentially trading in your cow for a handful of magic beans. This technology is still unproven. We already know that it takes as much fossil fuel to power a wind turbine as it does to run a hydroelectric generator or an oil derrick. So if you really want to slap those unsightly solar panels on your homes, which requires a very expensive permit, then I have a bridge in New York I’d like to sell you.”

Police say residents should also call 911 to report any suspicious activity involving purported service workers.
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