Saturday, November 8, 2014

Taking Congress, GOP Vows Economic Recovery by Reviving Industries in Asbestos, Lead and Sewing

Voters want a more idyllic world, like the one in the 1950s. And we’re committed to dragging this country back 60 years so they can have it.” ~ F. Chester Greene, San Narciso Tea Party Chairman

SAN NARCISO, Calif. (Bennington Vale Evening Transcript) -- After Tuesday’s electoral sweep, the Republican Party took its place as America’s dominant political faction, controlling both chambers of Congress. The primary challenge confronting conservatives now is how to rectify the issues that led to rampant disillusionment among the nation’s voters. Remember, this is the first time since 2006 that the GOP has taken control of Congress, when they lost their majorities in the House and Senate during midterm elections that were marred by widespread discontentment over the failed policies of the Bush administration. Now, they have recaptured their claim on government through a similar sense of disaffection. Fixing the economy, Republicans believe, will lead to the restoration of the values and prosperity that fueled that nation’s past success. So their first order of business is to revive once thriving industries and they jobs they created, beginning with asbestos, lead and large-scale apparel manufacturing.

“The American people have finally come to their senses, and they’ve given conservatives a mandate to fix the country,” said F. Chester Greene, chairman of the San Narciso Tea Party chapter and former write-in presidential candidate.

Greene accused liberals of systematically killing vital industries over the last few decades -- industries that formed the foundation on which America’s greatness was built.

“People want jobs, they want stability, they want opportunity and they want a sense of decency and morality returned to them,” he added. “In short, they want a more idyllic world, like the one in the 1950s. And we’re committed to dragging this country back 60 years so they can have it.”

A Return to Core Values, Before Socialist Laws Like the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action Destroyed the U.S. Meritocracy

For conservatives, Greene explained, the 1950s and very early 1960s represent eras of true progress and strength.

“Even Democrats will tell you the last great Republican president, in their opinions, was Eisenhower,” Greene said. “For us, the 50s became the defining era of U.S. might and superiority. This was the ‘Mad Men’ generation, the halcyon days of powerful American men in business. People had homes and women were still concerned about raising children, not aborting them to compete with males for earning supremacy. Industries were booming and creating jobs by the day. Hard-working individuals were flocking to oil fields and refineries to mine their destinies and bolster the economy -- not trying to invent fictions about air quality as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities. Gay insurgents weren’t bent on destroying family values -- they were suppressing their aberrations to protect the institution of matrimony and the moral education of our children.”

In addition to prosperity, Greene also cited the 1950s as a time of unprecedented peace and security for the United States.

“The wars had gone from hot to cold,” he noted. “And that pesky Civil Rights Act hadn’t been signed yet, so we had a real meritocracy where all American laborers had an opportunity to contribute -- not a system where the most qualified people were pushed out to make room for colorful quotas. Dangerous unarmed black teens weren’t being gunned down in the streets by frightened, trigger-happy cops -- they had their own parts of town to live in, their own schools, their own churches and reserved seats on public buses. America was like Disneyland -- a bloc of unique, vibrant communities that were separated by individual themes, but united through shared values: building careers and homesteads and legacies. In this way, there was no need for police intervention because all threats were contained.”

Creating New Opportunities by Restoring Once Flourishing Industries

The post-World War II years, the rise of the Boomer generation, marked a turning point in the country, and job growth flourished. Greene and others in the Party, however, lament the fall of many industries resulting from the socialist policies of Democrats, who shuttered essential market sectors in favor of ideological agendas. Conservatives have vowed to bring them back from the dead.

“Power-hungry leftists may have interred our careers and economic strength, but they can never bury our hopes and dreams,” Greene said in a public address to his constituents Friday.

Asbestos: One of the country’s most influential industries. Asbestos mining began over 4,000 years ago, making it a tried-and-true source of essential products and jobs. Before liberals declared the materials toxic, a claim Greene and others question, asbestos providers ranked among the country’s most in-demand manufacturers. Asbestos was used in everything from safety devices to dental hygiene.

“It’s hard to imagine a world without asbestos,” Greene said. “We used it for drywall, plaster, floor tiles, caulk, popcorn ceilings, brake pads, insulation, gaskets, dental fillings and safety. Because the material is among the most flame retardant, all fireproofing substances contained asbestos. But Democrats shuttered that industry. Not only did it cost billions of jobs, it made us weaker. To get home construction back on track, we need asbestos. And to protect our heroic firefighters, we need asbestos. I have to believe that more first responders would have survived their fates after 9/11 if they had been properly equipped. They deserved better.”

Lead: In April 2013, the socialist Centers for Disease Control (CDC) launched another aggressive round of suits aimed at “combating lead hazards.” Their propaganda persuaded municipalities and cities across the nation to demand the removal of lead from products used in homes, schools and businesses, which ultimately culminated in countless lawsuits and efforts to drive the final nail in the coffin of a predominant U.S. market segment. Lead is a critical element found in compounds used to make plumbing pipes, paint, batteries, water systems, gasoline, children’s toys and place settings (plates, cups, bowls, etc.).

“Despite the attacks on this industry by Democrats, lead is still around -- but for how much longer?” Greene asked. “With conservatives at the helm again, we’re committed to putting lead workers back into businesses. It’s the fuel that drives construction, the batteries we need for our electronic devices and even children’s toys.”

Wiping away a tear, Greene added: “Liberals want to take away children’s toys. The plates they eat their little dinners on. The paint used to decorate their nurseries. It’s abominable, never mind that killing this industry will send many of their fathers to the unemployment line.”

When asked about the identified health risks associated with materials like lead and asbestos, Greene seemed incredulous, but responded: “Let’s say a few people get sick, for the sake of argument. People get cancer from the sun. So should we force them to remain indoors? Should we outlaw solar energy? No. That’s communism and fascism, all mixed together. But sick kids feed another industry in utter peril right now: health care. Obama is consumed by an insane pledge to put doctors out of business. But if you’ve got sick people in need of medical assistance, you can’t very well send physicians packing. So in my way of thinking, a few cases of poisoning here and there means that health providers no longer need to feel that their careers are in jeopardy.”

Seamstresses: Each year, women become more vocal in their demands to be part of the workforce -- to be respected breadwinners themselves. But Democrats, Greene contends, have done little to facilitate this. He cited recently released workplace diversity reports from top U.S. companies such as Google and Dropbox, in which white males were discovered to make up more than 60 percent of the employment population. At Dropbox, female engineers count for less than six percent of the total talent base.

“This is ridiculous,” Greene roared. “Hell, back in the early 1900s, we put more women to work. Yet today, these so-called progressives in Washington have eliminated nearly all those gains.”

Back in 1909, for example, prominent New York apparel manufacturers such as Leiserson Company, the Rosen Brothers and the Triangle Shirtwaist Company employed well over 20,000 female sewing professionals.

“And that was in just one city,” Greene said. “These employers didn’t care about hours, compensation packages or skills. They hired people. Female people. Hard workers who wanted to be part of society’s growth and productivity. They took women with no prior work experience or marketable skills and gave them a chance. And after a few years on their job, these unskilled workers found themselves promoted to higher positions like sample makers, cutters and pattern makers. Their pay increased, I kid you not, 475 percent: from four dollars a week to about 23 dollars a week.”

Reopening apparel manufacturing plants accomplishes several goals, Greene stated. Jobs that are currently being outsourced to third-world countries can be brought back home. New industries will crop up around the factories. And homemakers who want to enter the workforce with no previous experience or education have an open door.

“The sewing skills they use every day at home are the only qualifications they’ll need to become seamstress professionals in a new market of textile and garment production. Why should American business leaders continue to pay child slaves in Asian sweatshops to do the work our own people can in U.S. sweatshops? I want ‘Made in America’ labels on all my shirts, and I want them to mean something.”

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